Showing 51 Result(s)

Syncopation…or STINKopation?

4 Simple Strategies to Help Tame the Beast When I was young, I struggled with syncopation, the playing of notes that are off-beat. It was so frustrating that I called it “Stinkopation.” Hated the stuff. I struggled with that particular stinker of a concept. Sometimes, I would think that I “had it,” only to find that …

That Crazy Bow – What’s the Big Deal?

They say the bow is 80-90% of your sound on violin-family instruments, that logic follows that it’s also going to be 80-90% of the work. If your bow hold is less than stellar, you will likely notice that making a sound that is not screechy, but warm and full, is difficult on a good day. …

Online Lessons Are Better Than You Might Think

A move is always nerve-wracking, no matter how close or far you are going. When we moved out here to Fort Worth, my students (in-studio) were unhappy and shocked to see their favorite music teacher leaving them. True, I have always offered lessons online, but for many, not having time in the studio was too …

The Value of Self-Analysis without Being Mean

Music requires self-analysis, but often it becomes either a too rosy or too pessimistic outlook on our progress. One of my students has this talent for being honest with herself – without beating herself up. She is young, and by rights shouldn’t be this mature, but she is. So how do the rest of us …

What’s So Important About Music?

I could quote the numerous brain development studies, the math studies, and language studies – but I won’t. They’re easy to find in a quick internet search, and everyone talks about them, as if they are the biggest and best reason to study music. They’re not, and I’ve got a list on why. Reason one: …